Compressor Intercoolers & Aftercoolers

Compressor Intercoolers & Aftercoolers The workhorse for compressor interstage cooling. These units can be supplied as either straight tube or U-Tube units, with either a removable bundle or a non removable bundle. Inter-Coolers & After-Cooler are used for cooling of air/gas which gets heated up during the different stages of compression of air/gas. Generally the Inter Coolers & After Cooles are manufactured out of the Carbon Steel and Copper/Stainless Steel/Admiralty/Cupro-Nickel (90:10)/Cupro-Nickel(70:30) Tubes depending upon the type of cooling water available. We also have data regarding the various Inter-Coolers & After-Coolers supplied with the compressors from major compressor manufacturers. In that case we confirm our design and parameters vis a vis the existing ones and manufacture the same. We carry out the manufacture Inter-Coolers & After Coolers exactly as per the Client's existing Coolers. For the same we depute our technical representative to Client's Site, examine the Cooler and manufacture the new Turbine Oil Cooler exactly as per the existing ones.

  • Country:India
  • telephone:91-261-2904199
Compressor Intercoolers & Aftercoolers
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Custom plate fin aftercooler core heat exchanger for compressor

Aftercoolers are heat exchangers for cooling the discharge from a air compressor. They use either air or water and are an effective means of removing moisture from compressed air. 1:Fin tyeps:perforated -fin,wavy -fin,serrated -fin ,plain fin,louvered fin for you ...