HT (260℃) High Temperature Fiber Optic Connector Sensor

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15 Days
How It Works
Connector is a device for detachable connection between optical fiber and optical fiber. The high temperature fiber is fixed in the ceramic core, and the end face of the ceramic core is precisely ground into arc face (UPC) or Angle face (APC). The optical path connection is completed by precise coaxial alignment of the end face of the two ceramic cores through the adapter. HT(260℃)Connector is specifically created to meet the requirements of lead-free reflow and other high temperature environment.
MEI SU is a fiber optic switches manufacturer. We provide multimode fiber optic switch, multimode fiber optic switch, v groove bending, custom optical assemblies and etc. For more information, please feel free to contact us!
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  • Address:4th Floor, No.132 North Qi-wan road, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China
  • Contact:meisu optics
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