Vinyl material is widely used for logo making on garments and signs in advertisements. Previously, to process the multilayer vinyl films was hard to operate. At present, Unikonex 3d Dynamic CO2 Laser Marking System with great advantages of kinds of vinyl cutting. For instance: Kiss laser cutting 3 layers of vinyl with backing, adhesive and top film, it's all done by one vinyl laser cutter. After vinyl sticker laser cutting, as the adhesive back would be applied to the products surface, to weed the unwanted parts on the vinyl, it will be ready to heat press.
So why not choose a vinyl knife cutting plotter or X-Y axis laser cutting machine, but choose Unikonex 3D Dynamic CO2 laser system cutting vinyl?
Compared with vinyl plotter, the 3D laser cutting system is contactless processing which means no scratch on vinyl when cutting. Besides, the laser beam will not be lifted or rotated like the knife tool to cut the irregular patterns.
To the X-Y axis laser, the 3D laser cutting system is precisely equipped with a high-speed galvanometer marking system and innovative Unikonex marking control system, therefore, the speed is much faster than XY laser machine.
Time is productivity, now it’s your turn to choose the right vinyl cutting solution for your own.
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