China healthy comfortable Organic hemp organic cotton blended knit fabric mabufacture

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15 Days
The company can provide a variety of cotton and cotton blended knitted fabrics, mainly various specifications of jersey, sweater cloth, jacquard cloth, etc., the product has dyed series, yarn-dyed series, can provide relevant certificates, yarn count: 6-30 organizations: Sweat, sweater, jacquard, etc., use: clothing, shoes, hats, home textiles, etc. Color: yarn-dyed, etc. Spot: None
  • Country: China (Mainland)
  • Business Type:
  • Market:Africa,Americas,Asia,Emerging Markets,Europe,European Union,G20,Middle East,Oceania
  • Founded Year:2017/01/05
  • Address:A5-2F Standard Factory of Hutang Sci-Teah Industrial Park,Wujin Zone,Changzhou City,Jiangsu,China
  • Contact:Nan Shao
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100% healthy Organic cotton recycled fiber blended or interwoven knitted fabric wholesale
100% healthy Organic cotton recycled fiber blended or interwoven knitted fabric wholesale

The company can provide organic cotton / recycled fiber blended or interwoven knitted fabrics, mainly cotton polyester CVC series, polyester cotton series (with spandex), including jersey, cotton, terry, velvet, pearl mesh , sweater cloth, jacquard cloth, etc., can provide OCS, ...

Jiangsu Natural Textile Technology Co.,Ltd