Polyester single/double/triple layer forming fabric, paper making fabrics

Place Of Origin
FOB Price
USD $15.00 / Piece
Nylon woven bag
30 Days

According to the weaving, polyester forming fabric can be divided into +-shed, 5-shed. 7-shed, 8-shed, 16-shed, 24-shed etc. According tothe category, it can be divided into single layer fabric, double layer fabric, two-and a half layer fabric and three-layer fabric

4-shed single layer fabric is standard type of polyester forming fabric in paper making, mainly used for producing cultural paper printingpaper, packing paper and so on.

5-sheet single layer fabric is suitable for making healthy, culture and packing papers etc.

8-shed single layer fabric is the most wear_resisting one in the single layer screen. which have long performance life, but mesh print is

relatively deep. It is mainly used for copying the papermakingbag. craft paper, cardboard. corrugated paper and so on.

7-shed double layer fabric is suitable for quality printing paper and tissue paper etc.

8-shed double layer fabric is suitable for quality printing paper, tissue paper and the surface pulp and inner pulp of the board paper etc.

8-shed, 16-shed double and a half layer fabric is suitable for making quality printing paper, tissue paper and surface pulp, inner pulp and

base pulp of the board paper etc.

Multi-shedthree-layer fabric is suitable for making quality printing paper, tissue paper and cigarette paper etc.

  • Country: China (Mainland)
  • Business Type: Paper making machinery
  • Market:
  • Founded Year:2007
  • Address:
  • Contact:Dan Jones
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