LOYCON Loyalty Solutions Poland

LOYCON is the first complex tool for building and managing customer loyalty which provides you with a software platform, a wide range of loyalty management services and loyalty development concepts. It helps you on every stage of loyalty management, delivering high value capabilities and engages in rewarding and retaining your customers. With LOYCON Loyalty Platform you may: * develop, capture, track and profile your customer`s loyalty * target and build close and durable relationshpis with your clients * gain the competing advantage * reduce your costs * provide self-financing of the program If you are focused on the platform that delivers high-technology software, additional service support and profiled dedicated solutions this is where everything can be found in one place. * How to start and where to focus? * Which regulations are obligatory and how to meet the requirements of the tax authorities? * How to count points and distribute prizes? * How implement a program which not only finance itself but will bring success with it? * What is the loyalty programme about and what are its key features?

Company Name: LOYCON Loyalty Solutions
Business Type: Manufacturer, Trading Company
Product/Service(We Sell): Software, Loyalty Platform, Audit, Consulting,
Address: Wroclawska 37a
Company Website URL: http://www.loycon.pl
  • Country:Poland
  • Province:
  • City:Krakow
  • Street:Wroclawska 37a
  • Zip:30011
  • Telephone:48-12-383 37 79
  • Mobile:608401201
  • Fax:48-12-383 37 80