Beroggi IMPORT/EXPORT Switzerland

This system, comprising the combinations consolid 444/conservex and consolid 444/solidry, was developed and devised specifically for the purpose of soil stabilisation, avoiding the paths other products (binders and chemical reactants) had gone and which had prevented a success.Any cohesive soil has a tendency to petrify again; all it needs to achieve this goal is a very, very long time span and very high pressure. It is possible, however, to accelerate this procedure by catalytic processes. If the soil can be activated by catalysts or pseudo-catalysts and influenced in complex processes in its undesired behaviour, a considerable improvement can be achieved with nearly all kinds of soil and with the same quantities of additives.And this is what the consolid system does: The use of consolid 444 results in an irreversible agglomeration of the fine particles and in this way a reduction of the active soil surface. The adhering water film is destroyed to a high extent, thus activating the inherent binding power of the soil. The water content in the soil, especially its capillary saturation, is highly diminished and slowed down. An additional treatment of the soil with conservex or solidry enables a 'tailored' degree of stabilisation in accordance with the requirements of each particular construction site.

Company Name: Beroggi IMPORT/EXPORT
Business Type: Agent, Other
Product/Service(We Sell): Consolid 444,conservex,soil stabilization,Cosmetic products,Galvanic SpaII,LesNaturelles Cosmetic products
Address: Gutstrasse 227
Brands: LesNaturelles,GalvanicSpa
Number of Employees: Less than 5 People
Company Website URL:
  • Country:Switzerland
  • Province:Zuerich
  • City:Zuerich
  • Street:Gutstrasse 227
  • Zip:08047
  • Telephone:41-078-822 4557
  • Mobile:0041 79 768 1985
  • Fax:41-438-17 4787